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McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release MSTR

"Innovative and effective therapeutic approach
for the treatment of scar tissue."


The body forms scar tissue as a natural response to trauma when the skin is lacerated or punctured either by accident or purposefully ie. surgery.


Collagen being laid down during the repair process results in a thickened, fibrous mass which can impede proper circulation of blood, congests lymph flow, and can even impact on Range of Motion.


Additionally, the severing of delicate nerve tissue often results in dysthesia (an unpleasant sensation when touched) of not only the scar but the adjacent, surrounding tissue. As the scar is fibrous and non-elastic it will have a dragging and pulling effect on bio-mechanical function of all physiological systems particularly the fascial membrane covering muscles, organs and glands.

 Scar Tissue can create:

Emotional and Psychological effects, 

Bio- mechanical restriction,

Bio-energetic restriction.




McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Technique, or MSTR, is a scar tissue treatment technique unlike anything else in the healthcare field to date! It is a registered trademark of Alastair McLoughlin, the designer and creator of this modality.  He spent the last 30+ years as a massage therapist and Bowenwork Practitioner in the UK where he developed this effective, gentle technique, designed to treat scars and scar tissue.


It is a very gentle move, performed directly on the scar tissue which can break down collagen , adhesions and inflammation trapped within the layers of fascia. This can result in pain relief, reduction / elimination of inflammation, normal sensation returning to the area and the appearance of the scar to disappear or blend with the surrounding tissue. The majority of clients also benefit from greater mobility of the localised area but restrictions far away from the scar are released. Results can be felt and seen almost immediately.


This technique has been proven evidence based, due to on-going research results. This technique is highly effective on scars that may be decades old. Because the collagen fibres are realigned, the changes are permanent and therefore do not revert back to their former state. 


Scar tissue does not have holding patterns or “muscle memory.”  Once the change takes place, it stays that way.  Unlike some other more aggressive treatments, including surgery, historically used to treat scar tissue, MSTR will not create more scar tissue.


The added benefit of treating with MSTR, is that emotions tied to trauma scars gently unwind and release as the scar tissue opens up and realigns.

In 2019, research was undertaken to evaluate MSTR® using ultrasound imaging.

A General Electric (GE) Soniq S8 ultrasound scanner was used to conduct the test on, in total, twelve test subjects with C-section scars.


Scars come in all different shapes and sizes and are there for many different reasons. Due to their nature however sometimes they could do with a little help to release and maybe release you too.


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Restriction caused by scars

The scar can even be remote from the problem area and asymptomatic. For example, a scar from appendix surgery can cause shoulder restrictions or low back discomfort. A scar on the toe or foot can affect hip, knee and low back function.  A wide range of bio-mechanical restrictions can be caused by scars and unlocked with MSTR® work.

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Accidental & Trauma Scars

Some scars (especially those from trauma) can be particularly distressful to some people. They may not like their scar. They may not want to even touch it. Their scar represents the event that created that scar.

The scar may bring up feelings of fear, anger, hate, disgust, self-image problems and so forth. Even feelings of worthlessness can be associated with that scar.

One of the most outstanding things that MSTR® treatment can provide is an eradication of those long-held feelings. 


Scars and More!

MSTR can also have great affect on non surgical issues within the body such as release of fibrous fascia as in Dupuytren's Contracture.

It has also be usesd effectively for muscle release and aiding Lymphatic drainage points.

Maternity statistics for England for the year ending March 2014: The caesarean rate has increased by 0.7% to 26.2% (166,081) in 2013-14. (Elective C-sections 13.2% and Emergency C-sections account for 13%) Source:


There is often long term psychological and emotional reactions to the emergency C-sections. These reactions include, but are not limited to:


• Anger • Fear • Anxiety • Shock • Guilt • Failure • Trauma

• Low self esteem and sense of worthlessness

• Feelings of ‘disconnection’ - the lower body to the upper.


We are finding that when the physical attributes of the scar change (texture, sensation) then the emotional and psychological effects described above also can improve. i.e. integration and normalisation of the tissue seems to have a positive effect on the psychological and emotional well being of the client. If we consider that the effects of emergency C-section are likely to cause similar responses as categorised as a PSTD syndrome, then treating the physical scar for other causes of PSTD may be an interesting treatment option that needs further researching. 


Post operative physical effects of C-section scars may also include:

• Dyspareunia

• Low back pain

• Abdominal pain

• Restriction and pain upon flexion and extension of the spine

• Bladder and bowel problems. It is noted many times that these physical effects can improve and, in some cases, be eliminated due to the successful treatment of scar tissue.




9 Edgcumbe Park,

Belfast, BT4 2EJ

Northern Ireland

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm 

​​Saturday: Closed ​

Sunday: Closed

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